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Home / Mobility_v1_0ServiceSet / LocalVectorDriver


Version: 1.0
ID: urn:jaus:jss:mobility:LocalVectorDriver
Inherits From:
extended byurn:jaus:jss:core:Management v1.1
extended byurn:jaus:jss:core:AccessControl v1.1
extended byurn:jaus:jss:core:Events v1.1
extended byurn:jaus:jss:core:Transport v1.0

The Local Vector Driver performs closed loop control of the desired local heading, pitch, roll and speed of a mobile platform. The Local Vector Driver is very similar in function to the Global Vector Driver, the difference being that the desired heading is defined in terms of a local coordinate system as opposed to the global coordinate system. The Local Vector Driver takes as input four pieces of information, i.e. the desired heading, pitch and roll of the platform as measured with respect to a local coordinate system and the desired speed of the platform. The desired heading angle is defined in a right hand sense about the Z axis of the local coordinate system where zero degrees defines a heading that is parallel to the X axis of the local coordinate system. The pitch is the angle about the Y-axis and the roll is the desired angle about the X-axis. The Local Vector Driver also receives data from the Local Pose Sensor and the Velocity State Sensor component. This information allows the Local Vector Driver to perform closed loop control on both the platform's local orientation and speed.

Internal Event Set

Message Set
Message ID Name
2408h QueryLocalVector
4408h ReportLocalVector
0408h SetLocalVector

State Machine Diagram

LocalVectorDriver State Machine Diagram
State Transitions
Label Transition Trigger Conditional Actions
A LocalVectorDefaultLoop QueryLocalVector sendReportLocalVector
B LocalVectorReadyLoop SetLocalVector isControllingClient setLocalVector

Action Name Type Description
sendReportLocalVector Send Action Output Message: ReportLocalVector

Copyright © SAE International. Reprinted with Permission.
Portions Copyright © OpenJAUS LLC.
The information above is generated from the JAUS Services modelled in the OpenJAUS SDK using OpenJAUS Service Studio. It is provided as a resource to assist JAUS developers and is not a substitute for the JAUS Standards Documents which may be obtained from the SAE International.

Generated on 07/17/2019 from as6009-mobility.ojss